Important Announcement: KEEP Program Ending Soon
The KEEP program concludes on January 31, 2025, at 11:59 PM Central time. This is the final day for families to use their awards and submit claims. Act now to use any unused funds for approved educational services or activities before the deadline. Please note: The KEEP support team will remain available after the deadline to assist with any questions and to process any outstanding claims. Don’t hesitate to reach out to for assistance during this period.
Browse education service providers who have been approved to receive funds from program participants. Note that “Preferred Vendors" do not require up-front out-of-pocket payment.
Inclusion in the Marketplace is not an endorsement of the materials or services provided.
Important Announcement: KEEP Program Ending Soon
The KEEP program concludes on January 31, 2025, at 11:59 PM Central time. This is the final day for families to use their awards and submit claims.
Act now to use any unused funds for approved educational services or activities before the deadline.
Please note: The KEEP support team will remain available after the deadline to assist with any questions and to process any outstanding claims. Don’t hesitate to reach out to for assistance during this period.
Lindsey's Book Nook with PaperPie
This service provider requires payment upfront : No
Price Range: $2.99 - $99.99
Phone Number: (801) 558-2013
Educational Value
Lindsey's Book Nook with PaperPie carries a line of two book publishers offerings - Kane Miller and Usborne books, and learning toys and games - Learning Wrap-Ups and SmartLab Toys. Kane Miller Books Kane Miller Books has specialized in award-winning children's books from around the world. Kane Miller believes in bringing children around the world closer to each other, sharing stories and ideas, while exploring cultural differences and similarities. Learning Wrap-Ups Learning wrap-ups and learning palettes have become a staple for helping children learn basic math and other critical educational skills. These creative manipulatives can be used with any curriculum and allows students to learn individually with minimal supervision. Usborne Publishing Whether you are looking for a child-friendly way to approach a difficult subject or want to extend the learning beyond the page with their internet-linked offerings, Usborne Publishing offers something for just about everyone. Named the Children's Publisher of the Year by the industry twice, Usborne has been making compelling books for children of all ages for over 50 years, from baby books to activity books to internet-linked Science and History encyclopedias to favorite bedtime stories. SmartLab Toys SmartLab Toys has been a leading designer of educational toys for children ages 6-14. Brain-building content inspires the imagination through exhilarating experiments and creative learning and discovery. SmartLab Toys allow for open-ended experimentation and repeat play, from chemistry to electronics to human anatomy to architecture. Their full range of STEAM toys offers playful learning experiences to delight and amaze any child.