Student Sign In Service Provider Sign In
Student Sign In Service Provider Sign In


Browse education service providers who have been approved to receive funds from program participants. Note that “Preferred Vendors" do not require up-front out-of-pocket payment.

Inclusion in the Marketplace is not an endorsement of the materials or services provided.


Important Announcement: KEEP Program Ending Soon

The KEEP program concludes on January 31, 2025, at 11:59 PM Central time. This is the final day for families to use their awards and submit claims. 


Act now to use any unused funds for approved educational services or activities before the deadline.


Please note: The KEEP support team will remain available after the deadline to assist with any questions and to process any outstanding claims. Don’t hesitate to reach out to for assistance during this period.


Kansas State School for the Blind


This service provider requires payment upfront : No

Price Range: $300 - $1800

Phone Number: (913) 305-3015


Address: 1100 State Ave, Kansas City, Kansas 66102

Educational Value

Kansas State School for the Blind provides summer programs for students ages 5 -21. During June, KSSB offers several programs that help enrich the lives of students with a visual impairment across Kansas. KSSB's summer focus is around the nine areas of the Expanded Core Curriculum: Activities of Daily Living: Daily routines will develop self-care and organization skills. In addition, participants will receive instruction in preparation and cleanup of at least one meal each day. Career Exploration: Track 1 students will participate in daily Career Exploration and Pre-Vocational skills training. Track 2 participants will apply for a job shadowing program and participate in a daily work experience on the campus of FHSU or in the Hays community with a trained job coach. Orientation and Mobility: Instruction in safe, efficient and independent travel skills will be incorporated throughout the program with activities and routes designed by Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialists. Recreation and Leisure: Daily activities designed to develop routines & habits in fitness, health, and will expose participants to new experiences. Social Skills/Self-Determination: Participants will learn strategies and interventions to promote greater inclusion of these critical skills for positive outcomes in the educational curriculum and post-school employment. Assistive Technology/Sensory Efficiency: Participants will utilize their current assistive technology and low vision devices to access their daily activities and will be exposed to new strategies with current devices to increase efficiency & independence across all domains.